BCB Committee
British Corporative Bowling (BCB) is managed and co-ordinated by the BCB Committee. Operating on a voluntary and financially unsupported basis the committee is responsible for
- The Planning, organisation and running of the BCB Championships
- The co-ordination and submission of the UK entries to the European finals as well supporting those attending throughout the duration of the tournament.
- The management of the funds of the BCB to ensure Great Britain remain affiliated to the BEC, including where possible, the boosting of those funds to offer as much financial support as possible for the UK teams competing at the European finals.
- The running and management of the BCB Website and Facebook pages to maintain the highest possible level of current information for players with regard to BCB and BEC affairs
Each position within the BCB Committee will be elected for a 3 year term and will consist of 4 main positions along with a number of co-opted members whose responsibilities will be to assist the other committee members in the completion of their respective duties. Once elected, Co-opted members will become full members of the committee.
The Committee will comprise the following positions:
BCB President
BCB BEC Representative
BCB Treasurer(s)
BCB Web site and Facebook Administrator
Co-opted Member
BCB President – Mick Fisher
BCB Great Britain BEC Representative – Paul Maddock
BCB Treasurers – Andy Yeomans and Terry Webb
BCB Webmaster & Facebook Admin - TBC
BCB Committee Member - Dave Grieg